IMG_0010Technology has been a significant part of the transition into the New Era. Thanks to the Internet, Masters are able to share channeled information, photos, and videos with those around the globe that are seeking a higher vibration. Soul families are being united and other-dimensional beings are able to share their messages with those meant to hear them. To understand the power of what is happening digitally, it is essential to understand the process of creation. When a person has a thought, it forever becomes part the collective consciousness. Since thought is made up of energy, which cannot be destroyed, the only thing that can happen to a thought is for it to be transmuted into another form. This is accomplished through intention. If the thought is written or spoken, it becomes even more powerful, yet it can, at some point, be retracted and replaced by a different thought.Read more »

Sedona Nov 2014

Know Thyself, we are all familiar with the phrase that was spoken more than 1,000 years ago, but the profoundness of those words is a key element the Ascension process that we are experiencing now. Knowing ourselves is more than deciding what kind of ice cream we prefer or even what is our astrological sign, instead, it is the deep remembering of what has been forgotten, but not lost.Read more »

Autumn equinox 2013_grid_HuicholThe Autumn Equinox is a day of balance—the day is the same length as the night. Gentleness abounds and the equality of day and night signifies that no conflict exists. Seasons change and the harsh sun of the summer is now a gentle warming, welcome glow.
Take the time to feel the balance in your life, the strength of the Divine Masculine and the gentle compassion of the Divine Feminine. Understand that power and strength come from kindness and grace. Practice both giving and taking in your relationships so that all involved can have a sense of fulfillment in the interactions you share.Read more »