Dimensions of Time

Sacred Space Grid
Sacred Space Grid

What are dimensions?

Are they above in the sky, or are they in other places, requiring a space ship or nothing more than the intention to go there? We refer to dimensions as if they were everyday occurrences, like another town or city to which we can travel at will. In fact, it is possible to journey to other dimensions, because the multi-dimensional aspects of each individual exist in those places.

Firstly, it is essential to attempt to understand the nature of dimensions.  Although it might be possible for you to conceive of other dimensions, it is certainly beyond the realm of rational thought. Currently, the Earthly hologram is designed for humans to experience duality, free will and a three-dimensional physical form. Once it is mastered, then perhaps incarnations in other dimensions may be experienced.

Everything is vibration, in other words, it  is the sum total of every aspect of each individual. This is why it is said that thoughts and actions must be of the highest caliber, and lower vibrating energies and thought forms should be released and replaced with pure White Light. Each time this is done, you experience a shift. Afterwards, you are not the same as you were previously.

You have entered another sub-dimension.

Thoughts are brighter, more light is held in the light body and your vibration  is raised. As you move from one place in consciousness to another, a new, subtly unique dimension has been created. That is why you feel differently. You could not have entered that place had your vibration not resonated with it.

A dimension is a point of view.

The terms higher and lower are used, but in truth, you are only allotted one point or coordinate in the Universe, one tiny multi-dimensional dot in the entire scheme of creation. But from that point you can expand outward or inward infinitely, while remaining securely anchored.

Oh the cleverness of it all…

The New Era began after the Winter Solstice in 2012, at which time the Earth’s electromagnetic grid was once again restored, allowing our planet to enter higher dimensions. It is now upon you to integrate Light into this new energetic environment. Coupled with the Light that others are bringing in, it will remove humanity from the dense, dualistic consciousness of the last Era. That is why it is essential to become more familiar with multidimensionality. Time, as it exists in the modern world, is not real. It is only a system of ordering possibilities which have already occurred, are occurring or might occur, and calling it the past, present or future.  It is the current belief that any event, which did not occur, doesn’t exist, but possibilities, which have not been chosen, are as real as what has happened.

Can the past be changed and the future be determined, or even influenced, by the present? Absolutely, and it can be accomploished in the simple act of forgiveness. When you forgive another person, or even yourself, it changes the past by modifying an event. it becomes only a memory, no longer causing pain or distress. As you become enlightened, you can go a step further and remove the old energy completely, by sending the past issue, and all connected to it, back to the universe to be transmuted into positive energy. Then you can fill the space in your Light Body with Pure White Light.

Practicing such techniques can virtually erase a memory from your Akashic record, thereby eliminating the Karmic aspect that has kept the vibration so deeply anchored in the Third Dimensional consciousness.

The future can be influenced by intent…

In other words, humans are not hapless victims, but rather beings with free will and the power to influence the events that make up a lifetime.

In the New Era, information from other dimensions is being brought forth and veils are thinning. You may experience a person or place, feeling that you have been there before. You reconize yur Sould Family members, even on first meeting. Synchronistic events happen more frequently in your daily life. These occurrences are mystical experiences, moments of resonating with other dimensions. They forge connections to what is happening there. It can then be surmised that what you do here, affects what happens everywhere else, through the vast number of pathways that have entangled you to the Cosmic aspect of yourself, and what happens in this lifetime may be a result of something that is going on in another one. Human beings, have free will, which other incarnations, of the same being, might not, that is why what you do here is so important.

Consider the process of aging or rather the process of un-rejuvenation, it occurs to everyone and is accepted as an absolute reality, but aging is only the result of a constant barrage of emotional and environmental deterrents and pollutants. It can be reversed. When someone appears stressed out and looking old and then after a vacation or a relaxation energy treatment they appear younger. The techniques for anti-aging today are weak and ineffectual to the overall aging process. Ancient, pre-historic civilizations had temples of rejuvenation that could reverse the effects of aging more than any methods that exist today. In the New Era, access to the temple of rejuvenation has returned and as it develops and becomes integrated into mainstream reality, un-wellness and premature aging will be a thing of the past.

The concept of time is the linear configuration of all the possibilities that were chosen either by a person or group of people. It is then labeled as reality. It is a filing system to keep track of not what could have happened, but what did happen. However, what might have happened is still a reality, and although it need not be dwelled upon, it exists as much as what was chosen. Therefore, there is no past or future, instead everything is occurring simultaneously, but because there is almost no awareness of what occurs in other dimensions, we believe that there is only one reality and that time is moving from the past to the future.

When a past life is remembered or a prediction or prophecy is made, other dimensions are accessed and information flows in from new sources. In the New Era the veil is thinning, resulting in an increase in synchronistic events, intuitive knowledge, clairvoyance and resonating with other vibrations is allowing mystical experience to be commonplace.

There may be those who have a memory of being a king, a queen or a well known historical being. Each memory is valid, because the beings in each lifetime that is recalled are archetypes, representing an experience, lesson or event that was the purpose of that incarnation. In each particular reality, every person that has such a memory actually was that person. This is what it means to exist in a quantum reality.

The Ascended Masters who walked on earth and were able to do extraordinary things were really only accessing a greater degree of their human potentiality and came to earth to show people the possibilities that lie within the reach of humanity. They were considered Gods, only because humanity had sunk so low that they had forgotten their true capabilities. What the Ascended Masters brought with them was an example of what could be done by humans. The very fact of their incarnating as humans, raised the vibration of the entire population, by default. In the New Era light workers have started to become aware of a greater potential, even while living in a 3D body. With practice these talents will gradually become part of ordinary reality.

This is the New Era. It is up to each person to embrace it. Old beliefs and thought patterns, even those so deeply ingrained and accepted as absolute reality, do not apply anymore. The Earth has already ascended and now each individual must follow. There is no longer the question of whether it will happen; mankind will ascend, not in a sudden moment, but in good and perfect time.