The Ascension Process is just that, an etheric journey that begins with shifting out of the Collective Consciousness into the uncharted territory of the Higher Realms. We can do this while simultaneously living a third-dimensional everyday life.It is like being in a fog and slowly watching as the fog lifts, revealing what we could not see before, but was there all along.In other words, there has always been an iPhone, we just could not see it.

As Spiritual Seekers in the Third Dimension, we are discovering what beings in other dimensions might take for granted.Read more »

In 2011, I traveled on a Pilgrimage with the Earth-Keeper group to Sacred England. As I stood gazing at Stonehenge, it seemed as though I was catching sight of a structure from another dimension that had somehow slipped through a veil and become visible. I had researched Stonehenge a fair bit before the amazing tour, but somehow all the articles I read fell short of explaining what I experienced when I arrived.

Some people claim the stones circle was built to serve as a calendar or a religious site. However, those who built Stonehenge, and other stone circles, are often described as primitive, naïve, and heathen nature worshippers. Although I knew a lot about Stonehenge from reading about it, when I saw it in person, none of what I had read made sense to me any longer.Read more »

Saving Cover new“A Mystical Modern Myth”

Is it possible Atlantis really does still exist?

Zi’antha’s father and his crew had been travelling back and forth from Atlantis to the modern world for years.
The portals had always remained opened, but now they were stranded in Quadrant 88, as it was called.
She was determined to save her father, but when the moral fiber in Atlantis began to thin, she found her task was greater–that of Saving Atlantis.


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