
Sedona Nov 2014

IMG_0984_0193There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.

In order to do this, man must pass from the competitive to the creative mind; he must form a clear mental picture of the things he wants, and hold this picture in his thoughts with the fixed PURPOSE to get what he wants, and the unwavering FAITH that he does get what he wants, closing his mind against all that may tend to shake his purpose, dim his vision, or quench his faith. Wallace Wattles

Everything that exists is formed and defined by a thinking substance, which fills the interspaces of the universe. It is called consciousness. So what exactly is consciousness? Consciousness is driven by thoughts, to become reality. It is the stuff from which thoughts are created and take form. It is all that is not, all which does not exist, and all that defines what does exist. Consciousness is infinite. It is the awareness of it that increases and allows the process of Conscious Evolutionary Growth to occur. All by which you are defined, is all that you are not.

No matter how minutely matter is broken down, there will always be something surrounding it, giving it form and existence. When particles of matter are combined in different ways, by the intelligent consciousness that surrounds them, objects are created. This is why there are tables, people, trees, cars, animals, and everything else, which has been defined as existing. All that does not exist is labeled as nothing. Defining and acknowledging nothing, is validating its existence. The undefined space that is labeled meaningless nothingness, surrounding and permeating through particles of matter, is what gives form and life to everything. It is The Force that the Jedi revere in Star Wars, and rightly so.

What makes humans what they are? They are a collection of particles, atoms, and molecules that are held together by…? They are held together by nothing, and nothing works perfectly. All the space that surrounds every unit of the matter that forms each individual is what holds them together. The intelligent nothingness, which gives them life, is all around them and flows through them. Yoda was right.

It has been shown in Quantum physics experiments that electrons, the source of energy and light, jump from one orbit to another. This may seem uneventful at first mention, but there is more to the story. When the electrons make the jump, they start in one orbit and then appear in another. Where do they go in between? They go nowhere and that is where they energize. Nowhere is where there is nothing and that is where the source of light and life resides.

Having said all this, it can be seen how silly it is to call the source of Life Force Energy nothing and have it reside nowhere. Rational thinkers are determined to view existence in absolute terms. In doing so, they have separated themselves from the Source of everything. Originally, people were aware of the forces of life that could influence and affect transformation. Ooops, that is the definition of magic? The “M” word is like a weed. It cannot be stamped out. It always grows up between the cracks and blossoms.

Magic is part of life. When you can smile at someone and transform his or her face into a smiling one, it is magic. Transformation is part of life. Nothing, as it is called, is the source of all magic. As people become aware that they have the power to change their lives by changing the way they think, they are then in a situation where they are able to choose their own belief systems, realize their own power, discover they can heal their body, mind and spirit, and decide to be happy.

When you are happy, you are energized, vitalized, and you know that nothing is just as real as something. When you feel a balance between the seen and the unseen, the real and the unreal, something and nothing, you create a state of wellness, for it is then that the life force energy, which sustains you, can flow through you freely. Being happy is the way to create this balance. It is that simple, so go for it. Smile and be happy NOW!!!

Brought through with Love and Light by Wendy Ann Zellea

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