Wendy’s Books

HOLDING THE LIGHT ~ In Balance and Moderation

Holding the Light is the intention of a spiritual seeker. It is a full-time, life-long activity. When you commit to a spiritual path it means, as you go forward, you keep your focus on the Light. By continuing to do so, the elements of the Light become part of all aspects of your life. You focus on the Light, are drawn only to that which is filled with Light, and gently pass over what is not.

Staying in the Light calls for trust in all that is.

It is easy to be distracted by the goings on in the world, but when your focus remains on the Light you will remain in the higher vibrations of life.

You are here to hold the Light. Your purpose is to bring Light into your Light Body and send it out into the world, as a conduit between beings in the higher realms and those who wish to hear the messages and feel the energy. Holding the Light embraces a conscious effort to maintain the integrity of your energetic signature, as you become more enlightened.

Wonderfully fantastic experiences are no longer only for those who lived in ancient times or faraway places. If that were the case, life would be exceedingly mundane. You can experience new ways of thinking, healing, and feeling that will change your reality.

You are a multidimensional being, simultaneously experiencing different vibrations. You are capable of many unique esoteric experiences, when you allow yourself to believe it is possible.

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ASCENSION MESSAGES From the Higher Realms ~ The Process of Conscious Human Evolution

We are evolving into an expanded paradigm, The New Era. As we do, we let go of beliefs that no longer serve us, and have been lingering around for ages.By holding on to outdates ways of thinking, we make it more difficult to change.Furthermore, old ways of thinking, prevent us from reaching the higher levels of consciousness we are pursuing.

We update our computer operating systems on a regular basis, yet we still practice religions, and hold on to customs that are now archaic.Whatever we believe to be true, is true. An entire planet of people may accept an idea, and it becomes a collective reality. However, if one person does not consider that thought to be true, then is it still absolutely true?

This is not the first time that the Collective Consciousness has been confronted with a new truth and been compelled to change its beliefs, and it will probably not be the last. Many of us are consciously part of the Ascension process, facilitating this major evolutionary quantum leap, by taking part as conduits for increased Light and Life Force Energy, more than the inhabitants of Earth have seen for an exceptionally long time.

It is what we have chosen to do, it is our destiny, and it is what matters to us. Our male and female energies are becoming balanced, and we will again become the Luminous Light Beings we once were. And that is what this book is about…

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MY WAY AROUND ~ Journeying the Infinite Spiral of Life

How do you spiral from street musician, an island in Belize, tragedy in Mexico to spiritual channel, luminary, and author? Enjoy the adventures, challenges, lessons and incredible experiences of Wendy’s spiraling journey to the successful, happy and healthy place she is today.

Travel along with Wendy through her amazing life. In her story she transitions from a college English instructor to a musician, undergoes personal tragedy at home and in Mexico, and becomes an entrepreneur on a Caribbean island off the coast of Belize.

Follow the adventures, challenges, lessons, and incredible experiences of Wendy’s journey to the successful, happy place she is today.

Her life is the story of the spiritual journey of a woman who listened to her inner guidance, even when it seemed illogical.

Her path eventually led her back to the place where she was born. It was there that she found where she was meant to be, and her purpose for going forward. Throughout everything, Wendy travelled up the infinite spiral of life, knowing that life is good, and all is well.

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 SAVING ATLANTIS ~ A Mystical. Modern Myth

Does Atlantis still exist in an alternate reality or a simultaneously occuring dimension?

Discover the exciting world of Zi’antha, an Atlantean avatar, whose father is stranded, with his crew, an another dimension. Ziantha is determined to save her father. but when the moral fiber in Atlantis began to thin, she found her task was greater–that of Saving Atlantis.
There appeared to be no hope or was there. Could a woman from New Jersey be the saving grace of Atlantis? Time was running short, Atlantis was near the end, but was there a chance of Saving Atlantis?

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Life is Good, All is Well ~ Everything is Vibration

You are made up entirely of vibrating energy. In fact, everything that exists is vibration and that is what this book is about. We are all made up of energy that moves in, out and through our multi-dimensional bodies at a rate determined by the level at which we vibrate. You may resonate with some vibrations and not with others; in other words your vibration is attracted to, neutral or repelled by all other vibrations, which is the reason you are drawn to a certain person, color, music, religion, job and every other aspect your life.  There is no getting around it, that’s just the way it is in the Third Dimension.

Vibrations are constantly changing, usually so slowly that we don’t notice; however when the change occurs more rapidly, we may observe that a person has transformed somehow and we no longer feel the same way when we are around them. We might feel uneasy or uncomfortable or we may feel more at ease in their presence, because we have never experienced their altered vibration. As the familiarity that once existed with this person no longer remains, we either become more distant from them or make an adjustment to the relationship; perhaps we are not as friendly as we once were. On the other hand, we might feel a new sensation in their company and recognize a deeper, closer and more loving connection to them. There are many ways one type of energy can interact with another, but is our nature to seek out the vibration with which we resonate. In other words, like attracts like.

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Do You Want to Be Happy NOW?

Do you want to be happy Now? Of course you do? Do you know that you can be?

In this book you will find the answers to help you transform your obstacles to happiness into paths to a satisfying life. Learn what is preventing you from being happy and rediscover what once came naturally. You can be happy in all situations, when you set your course for happiness.

Even when faced with challenges, you can learn to look for a happy outcome. You are supposed to be happy and you deserve to be happy.

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