Spirituality is the process of re-discovering the multidimensional aspects of your enlightened self. As you experience energy flowing through you, integrating Light into your energy body, your awareness increases. You begin to communicate with the Higher Beings and Guides that are waiting for you to ask for their assistance. They begin to encode you with expanded frequencies to assist with your spiritual growth.

You are an enlightened being. Over time your understanding of the magic that is happening becomes more refined and you receive clear thoughts that are new to you. Your journey takes on new directions as you return to the being that you truly are, so that your gifts and life’s purpose may be realized. You set your intention to hold the Light and eventually you are ready to send it out into the world.

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The Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice is the darkest time of the year, yet is it also one of the most joyous. It marks the return of the Light and the promise of renewed life. Without the moonlight at night to lift your spirits, you can transform the darkness by adding your own Light, so that there is Hope and Joy.

These magical cycles reoccur without fail. Of course, there are variations, some seasons are warmer or cooler than others, but what can be said with certainty is that the Sun and Moon will rise and set as they travel along their paths. They do not disappoint; they always return.

Additionally, they offer a roadmap for living, guiding you to be faithful to your truth and beliefs. Yes, you can change, grow, and Ascend, but when you adhere to the constancy of the essentials of life, you are living a Divine existence.Read more »

Life is a Dance. Learn to move with the rhythm.

You are living a divine life in a new reality, created by the efforts of millions of individuals whose intention was to participate in the Ascension process. No matter what you have experienced so far, your divine life can start right now, all that is required is your intention for it to begin.

The first step is to believe that it is possible to live a divine life and then take the required action to make it your own. See that was easy, now wasn’t it? You have already gotten over the biggest hurdle of all, setting your intention.

Living a divine life begins with how you view and treat yourself and others. The same way you receive oxygen on an airplane before helping someone else, you must love and honor yourself in all aspects of your life, not allowing anything to compromise the integrity of the standard you have set.

Begin by showing gratitude for what you have, loving your life and those in it, loving your body and all the activities that fill your day, even those that are mundane. When you do this, you are ensuring that your life will always maintain the quality that you desire. Love your job, it provides you with the resources that support your lifestyle. Love your friends, they are the mirrors in which you can see your character. Love your enemies, they teach you lessons and allow you to remain steadfast in your values. Love yourself for living a divine life.

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Every culture has its sayings, expressions intended to communicate a sort of wisdom for situations in life. For example, if we try to convey some sort of advice to another person, and they do not change their behavior, we might say, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. Colloquialisms change over time as new expressions become fashionable, and others fade away. While most of these phrases appear to be harmless little anecdotes, others can sabotage us without our even realizing it.

One such phrase, which I hear all too often is, it’s always something. Saying this, invites and accepts eventual setbacks and failures that will prevent us from achieving success. It allows us to blame life for our failures, instead of taking responsibility for ourselves.

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Your spiritual path leads you towards enlightenment. When you look back at truly enlightened beings from the past, most of them did not become spiritual because they studied spirituality. It was something else that raised their consciousness to higher levels.

This is not to imply that studying esoteric knowledge is unhelpful. On the contrary, it is exceedingly useful in achieving a goal of spiritual growth. Exposing yourself to the higher vibrations of spiritual information has a positive, uplifting effect, but study alone does not make a person enlightened. So then, what is the answer?

What made these enlightened beings different? One thing they had in common, was that even when focusing their attention on the mundane aspects of life, they managed to do so with kindness, compassion, and regard for others. They pursued higher vibrating endeavors, including helping others and teaching higher truths.

In the process, by living differently than those around them, they created new thought patterns within themselves. These thought patterns became a model for those who saw their unique actions.

As time passed, they found that they could do things that others could not. Does that sound familiar? Some were able to heal, others had clairvoyant capabilities, or mystical skills.

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