Sedona Nov 2014

Know Thyself, we are all familiar with the phrase that was spoken more than 1,000 years ago, but the profoundness of those words is a key element the Ascension process that we are experiencing now. Knowing ourselves is more than deciding what kind of ice cream we prefer or even what is our astrological sign, instead, it is the deep remembering of what has been forgotten, but not lost.Read more »


Wellness, and health are the natural state of all living things. What is it then that allows or prevents someone from experiencing well-being in their life? Everything in the Universe is made up of energy and each particle of that energy vibrates at its own frequency. The total combined vibration of the particles of energy of which an individual is comprised, determines the level of awareness, consciousness, well-being, and happiness of a person. Therefore, lower vibrating energy creates an environment of un-wellness, whether it is mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical. There is a level where energy becomes non-life sustaining, more commonly referred to as negative energy.Read more »

Autumn equinox 2013_grid_HuicholThe Autumn Equinox is a day of balance—the day is the same length as the night. Gentleness abounds and the equality of day and night signifies that no conflict exists. Seasons change and the harsh sun of the summer is now a gentle warming, welcome glow.
Take the time to feel the balance in your life, the strength of the Divine Masculine and the gentle compassion of the Divine Feminine. Understand that power and strength come from kindness and grace. Practice both giving and taking in your relationships so that all involved can have a sense of fulfillment in the interactions you share.Read more »

Summer Solstice gridThe shift into the New Era on Earth is unfolding. A different reality has been created and those who have become aware of it, are learning to live within it. It the reality for which Lightworkers hoped, worked and trained. All the healing modalities that have been learned and practiced in the process, have been used to clear the lower vibrations from the light bodies of those who are now participating in the upgraded Human Consciousness.

Now that the countdown to 2012 is over and the afterglow has faded, Lightworkers are faced with the practical aspects of this new reality, for after all this is still the Third Dimension and as a Lightworker it is up to you to make the best of it. In the same way that a “what’s new” document is issued when a new version of software is released, there are also many changes in the current Third Dimensional life of a Lightworker.Read more »

IMG_0716Everything you read in this article is true. At least it was true for me when I wrote it. It might also be true for you and it might not. It is up to you to decide. You are the only one who knows what is true or appropriate for you. No longer are we able to let others make decisions for us, especially regarding our beliefs or even our physical health. Being a Master in the new Era mean being Enlightened and that means knowing yourself.Read more »